PART 1: Something new I did as a Language Teacher
"Reduce, reuse, recycle."
"Cleanliness is next to Godliness."
"Segregate biodegradable from non-biodegradable."
"Keep clean and go green."
"Plant a tree today."
Those are just a few of the many slogans that now sound like cliches. We knew them but not often carried them out religiously.
In this blog, I will share why I end up talking about greens.
It all began in 2017 when I talked to one of my high school students in Kyoto. We reviewed her speech concerning the traditional houses in Kyoto renovated but restored much of it. She said it was part of the SDG (Sustainable Development Goals).
Some of the numerous transformations to remain Kyoto's culture and beauty are adding fire extinguishers, solar panels for energy, and fire sprinklers. As for the sprinkler, the water coming out from it has a particular chemical since mostly are wooden houses. The water leak might damage the wood.
Then came Greta Thunberg that made a noise on media, which at that time, my whole self was even mesmerized as this young girl flaunted bravery and care with no hesitancy.
Year after year, there were instances I prepared lessons and tackled related to saving mother Earth. Yet, I wasn't keen on that.
Of course, I observe disposal rules in the city I live. But that's it. I don't have extra effort to support the SDG program. I may say I only know the word, but in-depth, no.
What triggered me to understand SDG and its meaning more?
As you know, I love Starbucks not because to belong to an affluent society stereotype. I love it for health reasons. I get to customize my drink since I am lactose intolerant.
One of our current students worked as a store manager in Starbucks. During our lesson, she told me many exciting ways to drink cheaply without stressing my budget.
1. "One More Coffee." If you order coffee on that same day, bring the receipt that has the "One more coffee" slogan, and you will only pay ¥100 or $1 regardless of the size, from Short to Venti, all ¥100.
2. "Bring Your Own Tumbler" If you have a Starbucks tumbler, bring that to the store, and you will get a ¥20 or $2 discount. Of course, they will accept a Thermos or ordinary tumbler. Just make sure you wash them first.
3. "Food at a Discount Before Closing Time." It started on August 23 of this year. It is implemented at 1,600 Starbucks locations across Japan to help reduce food waste. Food items such as baked goods, sandwiches, cakes, and desserts will be 20 percent off within three hours before closing time. However, the discount starting time may vary by store depending on the day's excess stock.
Then, I came across an online article saying that 'Starbucks opens its First Greener Store in Japan at the Tokyo Imperial Palace on December 1.'
So, I grabbed the chance to join the official opening the day after I read it.
The new Wadakura Fountain Park Starbucks has been designed to generate 40 percent less waste, 30 percent fewer carbon emissions, and consume 20 percent less water than other Starbucks locations in Japan. Let me tell you more about this.
1. To reduce the single-use cup waste, the store introduced a returnable tumbler system where you can borrow stainless steel tumbler for your to-go order. Or you can bring your own reusable cup or tumbler.
(I bought my tumbler in Starbucks Roastery in Tokyo.)
Even the claiming stub is made from recycled paper.
2. The interior design has a floor tiling made from coffee grounds. Also, they use refurbished furniture.
3. Cleaning stations powered by renewable energy are used behind the counter to reduce carbon emissions and water consumption. A unique water circulation system helps recycle more than 98 percent of the water used for washing hands.
4. To help reduce food waste, consumers can order items from a digital menu rather than the usual food display case you'd see in the stores.
Of course, I didn't miss the opportunity to dine in and relish my Starbucks meal. It was comforting, and the sight is fetching on a sunny morning autumn season.
So, what is SDG?
It means Sustainable Development Goals or also called Global Goals. The United Nations adopted them in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure that by 2030 all people enjoy peace and prosperity.
There are 17 SDGs:
1. No Poverty
2. Zero Hunger
3. Good Health and Well-being
4. Quality Education
5. Gender Equality
6. Clean Water and Sanitation
7. Affordable and Clean Energy
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry and Innovation and infrastructure
10. Reducing Inequality
11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life on Land
16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions
17. Partnerships for the Goals
Why: Why do I want to write a blog about this? I have some reasons.
1. I need to study. To understand your learners, you also need to learn their interests, their job, and what they know.
Be a student, to teach well.
2. As a Filipino, I hope for the betterment of my country. I love my country. Through this blog, I can encourage my countrymen and other readers to spread this and practice SDGs by themselves. To find ways to help their environment clean. Businesspeople can have an idea and implement this in their businesses.
3. Lastly, I can enjoy my drink feeling no guilt. Starbucks is still pricey for some, but to drink my Extra Hot Venti Size Chai Tea Latte, Almond Milk, and No Foam beverage using my tumbler, it doesn't matter.
At this time where people need work (my payment is their salary), where people are stressed (the drink comforts me and customers' satisfaction could ease the staff), and the environment needs help (practicing SDGs), I can say it is a win-win.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Until our next blog.